Documentation for vtkDicer

vtkDicer - divide dataset into spatially aggregated pieces

Super Class: vtkDataSetToDataSetFilter


vtkDicer separates the cells of a dataset into spatially aggregated pieces. These pieces can then be operated on by other filters (e.g., vtkThreshold). One application is to break very large polygonal models into pieces and performing viewing and occlusion culling on the pieces. To use this filter, you must specify the number of points per piece. The filter attempts to create groups of points (containing the number of cells specified). The groups are created to minimize the size of the bounding box of the group. The filter indicates which group the points belong in by creating a scalar value corresponding to group number. Use the method GetNumberOfPieces() to determine how many pieces were found.



The number of cells per group will not always be less than the requested value. The groups are not guaranteed to generate the minimal bounding boxes.


See Also:




void vtkDicer ()
const char *GetClassName ()
void PrintSelf (unknown & ,vtkIndent )
static vtkDicer *New ()
void SetNumberOfPointsPerPiece (int )
int GetNumberOfPointsPerPiece ()
int GetNumberOfPieces ()
void Execute ()
void BuildTree (vtkIdList * ,vtkOBBNode *)
void MarkPoints (vtkOBBNode * ,vtkScalars *)
void DeleteTree (vtkOBBNode *)


Detailed Method Descriptions:

Create object with 5000 points per piece.

static vtkDicer *New ()

Specify the number of cells per group (i.e., piece).

void SetNumberOfPointsPerPiece (int )
int GetNumberOfPointsPerPiece ()

Get the number of pieces the object was broken into. The return value is updated when the filter executes.

int GetNumberOfPieces ()